Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Thrill Packed Day In Cairo...Part II

Let's start with know what I mean...the SPHINX...

Not to be confused with the MINX...but that is another story...she wasn't made of stone...

she created that effect...

Where was I...Oh yeah...

According to Hadidi, and after spending two days with this man, I have no doubts that,

"Khafre had this monument made to guard his pyramid situated behind it"...kinda like this...
With a likeness of the Pharaohs' face, a Lions body a Sacred Serpent about its head...the magnificent creature stood guard over Khafre's Pyramid...

Please excuse my uncharacteristic 'facetime' on this blog...but, then again...these sets were expensive to rent here in North Hollywood, and I wanted to make the most of them...(those extras in the background make more in a day than I ever earned singing on "Hello Dolly")

Leaving the Sphinx we visited a Carpet School in was amazing watching the dexterity exhibited by these young children...take a look...

The School is in the basement of the store and the children attend and learn to weave for about 10 is an ancient art that thrives today...the quality of their product is noteworthy...they make rugs from three sources...Slik, Wool and Cotton...

Their finest product is made entirely of silk...Then there is silk and wool, wool and wool...wool and cotton and finally cotton and cotton...

After leaving El Sultan, the carpet school, we ventured to the Egyptian Museum...

Hadidi loved taking this picture...

Here I am crowned by the grand architecture of the museum...

The museum is vast and at the end of the day, all I wanted to see were the mummies and King Tut's exhibit...(these amazing pieces have never left the museum)

No pictures, because they almost strip search you for camera's...

I wouldn't have minded though...maybe it was the lovely woman guard...

Interesting fact I have found in Egypt...there are metal detecters

at the hotels, museums and many public places...

The Egyptians harbor some of the nicest smiles I have seen...

friendly eyes...there is strength and kindness in them...

We then ventured downtown to the upscale shopping district...

and here I found what I had been looking for...

Bahler Street!

Named for a cousin who made quite a name for himself in Cairo...

It was thrilling to see...

And spelled in a variety of ways...all on the same street!

Almost as many spellings

as I see in America!

Bahlar at the north end and Behler at the south end...!

(and none of them 'mit umlaut'...

that would be Bähler...:)

But I must admit...THIS was my favorite...

A women's couture shop...


(this is the french spelling...:)

It was thrilling to see...the entire day was thrilling...I was like a kid...

OK...I heard someone say, "You're always like a kid"...and to that I say...


Love to you all...stay tuned...tomorrow we drive to Sais and Alexandria...

And here is ÆSOP's Fable of the Week:

The Hare and the Tortoise 

  A HARE one day ridiculed the short feet and slow pace of the

Tortoise, who replied, laughing:  "Though you be swift as the

wind, I will beat you in a race."  The Hare, believing her

assertion to be simply impossible, assented to the proposal; 

and they agreed that the Fox should choose the course 

and fix the goal.  

On the day appointed for the race the two started together.  

The Tortoise never for a moment stopped, 

but went on with a slow but steady pace straight to the end of the course.
The Hare, lying down by the wayside, fell fast asleep.  

At last waking up, and moving as fast as he could, 

he saw the Tortoise had reached the goal, 

and was comfortably dozing after her fatigue. 

Love and 'Good Day' from Cairo,

A Grateful Thomas 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Well blogger buddies, I am on the last leg of my research trip and it has taken me to Cairo...Egypt, not Missouri...there is no need to confuse the two because Cairo MO, at last count (the U.S. census of 2000) has a Pop. of 293 and a total area of 0.3 square miles...the OTHER Cairo, the one here in Egypt...has a Pop. of 22,000,000 and a total area of 100 square miles...give or take a meter...

So, with confusion cleared, I offer you my observations of Cairo, beginning with last night when I had dinner downstairs at my hotel, conveniently situated on the Nile...

I thought I was looking at a painting as I gazed up from my menu and saw this sight...

Dinner was good too...

This morning, I was greeted by Hididi, who is to be my guide for the next four days as I study this great and ancient land in my quest to bring you an interesting take on it in 600 B.C....

and this...was certainly here in 600 fact it was old in 600B.C. almost 2000 years old...

It was the burial place of...

Khufu..."God Bless You", you said?

No my dear...Khufu...the Pharoah

It was about a 35 minute drive from the hotel to the Great Pyramids and Hididi filled me with interesting facts about the history of this magnificent country...I love when someone imparts their knowledge and is so filled with love for it that it instantly climbs inside of your knowledge base and makes itself at home...

Had to do this...

From this looked like the road to heaven...


Thank you...

Here is a pic of Hididi, my new found fountain of Egyptian knowledge...showing me more interesting features...

Then we turned the corner to see the smooth upper section of Khafre's Pyramid...

And what is that, that looks so out of place between the two pyramids?

No not me silly...the white building that looks like a garage...

It is a garage you say, Hadidi?

"Well, yes, of sorts, it houses the Solar Ship that they discovered in 1954..."

"A Ship!" Those of you who know me also know that I love off we went...

This "Solar Barge" was found adjacent Khufu's...("gesu..."Stop it") pyramid, 143 fet long...laid into a pit dug out for it...and it was placed in perfect form, however, unassembled...maybe his subjects figured he could use his 'mummy wraps' to lash the cedar planks together when the time came...:)

This was interesting...the boat's planks were lashed together by Halfah Grass...( do not smoke it in a hookah)...a brilliant concept...and the boat was made of cedar planks? "But there is no cedar in Egypt!" you say...yes...but there was in Lebanon...(let's you in on a little bit of trading knowledge)

Pretty beautifully these pieces fit together...

"And how did they fashion these cedar planks?" you ask...

Take a look on your right...the good news is they didn't need a tool belt...

A flint knife and a rock...

"The Flintstones"...only different...

A beautiful 1/10 scale model of the Pharaohs' 'getaway' boat...

and then...

The actual 143 ft cedar Solar Boat!...the original, now assembled...

(Word has it that Khufu...(don't you dare...) has yet to set foot upon its deck...

or anywhere else for that matter...

So, how do we follow that?

With this...:)

More Soon...

Love to all1
